Welcome to way of the wolf flutes


Handcrafted Native American style Flutes, made with deep appreciation for the craft and an understanding of the importance of the old traditions and their place within the modern world.

Each flute is made by Andrew King (branch flutes) or Dean Scanlon (CNC machined flutes).

Each Flute is a labour of love, meticulously crafted from high-quality, ethically sourced woods. In order to produce high quality pro instruments grown in nature.

A Native American Style Flute is the perfect instrument from total beginner all the way to professional players as well as collectors of natural art.

These instruments have an incredible deep and soothing voice almost worthy of saying that there is a meditative and calming quality to them.

Our aim is to make beautiful high quality instruments, that are as playable as they are beautiful.

A reminder of the simplicity of the natural world and man kinds relationship and place within nature as opposed to the idea of being separate from nature. A reminder that everything is a representation of life.

About us

Beginners welcome

Learning to Play

Learning to play the Native American Flute is straight forward and very easy to get started. Whether a five holed or a six holed flute you can be playing within a matter of minutes, hours, days or weeks depending on the individual. I am self taught with playing and making the Native American style flute and have learned via youtube videos, reading books and my own experimentation. This journey has taught me a great deal about slowing down, appreciating nature and finding peace in simple things, patience, perseverance just to name a few of the benefits I have been gifted with on this path. I am still very new to flute playing and flute making, however the sense of inner connection that is felt when you find the right flute that resonates just right with you. That is something quite magical and probably is the reason behind my obsession with the Native American style Flute.

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